For that reason, you can expect police presence to be ramping up in the following week and continuing into the New Year. This means more DUI Checkpoints as well as patrol forces out specifically for monitoring potentially impaired driving.
To understand why Thanksgiving marks the beginning of this ramped up police presence and concentration on DUI detection and accident prevention, consider the following. In 2013, over 300 people died in motor vehicle accidents nationally just during the Thanksgiving weekend. In 2014, and just in Pennsylvania alone, there were 499 crashes reported over Thanksgiving weekend and 13 deaths attributable to impaired driving.
The time-frame between Thanksgiving and New Years is a festive time intended to be celebrated with family and friends. That said, it is important to remain smart, alert and safe. Please take special note of this early alert regarding the presence of impaired drivers on the road and also to think twice before getting behind the wheel this holiday season.
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